- Mechanical Power in Volume Controlled Ventilation with constant flow
- Mechanical Power in Pressure Controlled Ventilation
- Mechanical Power in Volume or Pressure Controlled Ventilation
- Mechanical Power in Volume Controlled Ventilation with constant flow
- Mechanical Power in Pressure Controlled Ventilation
- Elastic Static Power
- Tidal work
- PEEP work
- Elastic work
- Resistive work
- Inspiratory work
- Mean Airway Pressure in Volume Control Ventilation with constant flow
- Mean Airway Pressure in Pressure Control Ventilation
- Mean Airway Pressure in APRV
- Respiratory System Static Compliance
- Lung Compliance
- Alveolar Compliance
- Chest Wall Compliance
- Total Inspiratory Resistance
- Time Constant (Inspiratory & Expiratory)
- Pmus from P0.1 (1)
- Pmus from P0.1 (2)
- Pmus from Pocclusion
- Pmus from PMI
- Oxygenation Index
- Oxygenation Stretch Index
- Dead Space
- Alveolar Ventilation
- Ventilation-Perfusion Ratio
- Ventilation Ratio
- ROX Index