Quizz Ventilator Waveforms Ventilator Waveforms 1 / 5 Where would you set the PEEP according to that semi-quasistatic P-V curve ? 11 20 30 The low inflection point or the airway closure point (red triangle) is about 11, also the maximum hysteresis (difference in volume between the inspiratory and expiratory tidal volume)Hysteresis 2 / 5 Which image has a Stress Index > 1 indicating the need to reduce PEEP? A B C A: Stress Index of 1, PEEP okB: Stress Index > 1, Need to reduce PEEP for hyperdistentionC: Stress Index < 1, Need to increase PEEP for atelectasisStress Index 3 / 5 What is the Alveolar Dead Space (VDalv) The area to the left of line 1 The area between lines 1 and 2 The area between lines 2 and 3 Alveolar Mechanics 4 / 5 What is the PMI (Pressure Muscle Index) 13 cmH2O 10 cmH2O 3 cmH2O PMI is the difference between the peak pressure (after the inspiratory pause) - the plateau pressure (Pressure support + PEEP)https://www.journalmechanicalventilation.com/estimation-of-inspiratory-muscle-effort-using-three-common-indices-in-various-respiratory-models-a-bench-study/ PMI is the difference between the peak pressure (after the inspiratory pause) - the plateau pressure (Pressure support + PEEP)https://www.journalmechanicalventilation.com/estimation-of-inspiratory-muscle-effort-using-three-common-indices-in-various-respiratory-models-a-bench-study/ 5 / 5 What is the Lung Compliance? 16 ml/cmH2O 26 ml/cmH2O 36 ml/cmH2O Total respiratory compliance= VT / Paw - PEEP TotalTotal respiratory resistance= PPIP - Pplat / V’Chest wall compliance= VT / End inspiratory Pes - End expiratory PesChest wall resistance= Peak Pes - End inspiratory Pes / V’Lung compliance= VT / End inspiratory PPL - End expiratory PPLLung resistance= Peak PPL - End inspiratory PPL / V’https://www.journalmechanicalventilation.com/can-you-calculate-the-total-respiratory-lung-and-chest-wall-respiratory-mechanics-2/ Your score isThe average score is 56% 0% Restart quiz Patient-Ventilator Dyssynchronies Patient-Ventilator Interactions and Dyssynchronies 1 / 5 1) All Dyssynchronies are present except ? Reverse trigger Early cycle Work Shifting Patient-Ventilator Dyssynchronies 2 / 5 2) What kind of dyysynchrony in the first breath? Delayed cycle Reverse trigger False trigger Patient-Ventilator Dyssynchronies 3 / 5 3) What kind of dyssynchrony do you see in the figure above? Reverse trigger Delayed cycle Ineffective (missed) trigger Patient-Ventilator Dyysynchronies 4 / 5 4) What is the reason for the altered expiratory flow ? Delayed cycle Volume leak Expiratory work 5 / 5 5) What combination of dyssynchronies seen in the image above? Reverse trigger & Early cycle Reverse trigger & Delayed cycle Delayed trigger & Delayed cycle Your score isThe average score is 55% 0% Restart quiz Share on Social Media x facebook linkedinFollow us on Social Media x facebook youtube linkedin