
Ventilator Waveforms

Ventilator Waveforms

1 / 5

Where would you set the PEEP according to that semi-quasistatic P-V curve ?

2 / 5

Which image has a Stress Index > 1 indicating the need to reduce PEEP?

3 / 5

What is the Alveolar Dead Space (VDalv)

4 / 5

What is the PMI (Pressure Muscle Index)

5 / 5

What is the Lung Compliance?

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The average score is 56%


Patient-Ventilator Dyssynchronies

Patient-Ventilator Interactions and Dyssynchronies



1 / 5

1) All Dyssynchronies are present except ?

2 / 5

2) What kind of dyysynchrony in the first breath?

3 / 5

3) What kind of dyssynchrony do you see in the figure above?

4 / 5

4) What is the reason for the altered expiratory flow ?

5 / 5

5) What combination of dyssynchronies seen in the image above?

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The average score is 55%


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