Mechanical Power in Volume Controlled Ventilation with constant flow (mM) (Daoud, et al)
Equation: MP = 0.13 (mM) + 2.48
Mechanical Power in Pressure Controlled Ventilation
(mM) (Daoud, et al)
Equation: MP = 0.15 (mM) + 3.79
Mechanical Power in Volume or Pressure Controlled Ventilation
(mM) (Daoud, et al)
Equation: MP = 0.13 (mM) + 3.41
Note: This equation might overestimate MP in VCV and underestimate MP in PCV especially at high levels on mean airway pressures and minute ventilation
Mechanical Power in Volume Controlled Ventilation with constant flow (Gattinoni, et al)
Equation: MP = 0.098 x RR x VT x (𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 − (𝑃𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡 − 𝑃𝐸𝐸𝑃) 2)
Reference: Ventilator-related causes of lung injury: the mechanical power
Mechanical Power in Pressure Controlled Ventilation
(Becher, et al)
Equation: MP = 0.098 x RR x VT x (∆Pinsp + PEEP)
Reference: Calculation of mechanical power for pressure-controlled ventilation
Elastic Static Power
(Fajardo-Campoverd, et al)
Equation: ESP = 0.098 x RR x VT x PEEP