Estimating Pmus from P0.1 (1)
Equation: Pmus = – 2.99 x (P0.1) + 0.53
Reference: Estimating actual inspiratory muscle pressure from airway occlusion pressure at 100 msec
Estimating Pmus from P0.1 (2)
Equation: Pmus = 3.95 (P0.1) – 2.05
Estimating Pmus from Pocclusion
Equation: Pmus = 1.11 (Pocc) + 0.82
Estimating Pmus from PMI
(Not for obstructive cases with high resistance)
Equation: Pmus = 1.53 (PMI) + 0.61
Oxygenation Index
Equation: OI = (FiO2 x MAP) / PaO2
Reference: Oxygenation index predicts outcome in children with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure
Oxygenation Stretch Index
Equation: OSI = PaO2 / (FiO2 x DP)
Dead Space
Equation: Dead space volume = VD = VT x (PaCO2 – PeCO2) / PaCO2
Reference: Physiology, Lung Dead Space
Alveolar Minute Ventilation
Equation: Alveolar minute ventilation = (Total VT – Alveolar VT) X RR
Reference: Physiology, Tidal volume
Ventilation-Perfusion Ratio (V/Q)
Equation: Ventilation-Perfusion ratio (V/Q) = Alveolar ventilation / Pulmonary blood flow (cardiac output)
Reference: Physiology, Pulmonary ventilation and perfusion
Ventilation Ratio
Equation: Ventilation Ratio = minute ventilation (ml/min) × PaCO2 (mm Hg)]/(predicted body weight × 100 × 37.5)
ROX Index
Equation: ROX Index = SpO₂/FiO₂ / Respiratory rate